How do Teeth Look Before and After Veneers?

Looking for options that can improve your smile and make you confident? Dental veneers are here…

Do you have poorly shaped teeth or a gap and want them to look better? Well, “dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire.” Typically, veneers are used to treat a number of different cosmetic concerns. They usually last for more than a decade, depending on the type of veneer you choose, making them a good investment that can make you more confident in your smile. Simply put, “Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth, giving the teeth a more classic look. The best part is they look natural”.

Dental Veneers

Sometimes, people want something simple, such as improving a smile. Dental veneers help in improving the look and smile. Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resin material.

They are used in a number of cases. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:

  • Whitening stained teeth 
  • Rectifying chipped or worn teeth, crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Correcting uneven spaces or a large gap between teeth

What are the different types of veneers?

There are few options and each type of veneer has its own benefits. However, your dentist will help you choose the material that is best for you. 

Porcelain Veneers

A porcelain veneer is made up of a thin shell, which is custom-made to fit on the tooth. With porcelain veneers, there are many advantages: 

  • They are durable and fit for long-term wear
  • They look natural 
  • The tooth enamel that needs to be removed is less for the procedure
  • They are stain-free, mostly

Composite Resin Veneers

“A composite resin veneer is made from a tooth-colored filling material bonded to the tooth.”

Advantages of composite resin veneers:

  • Less tooth enamel is removed 
  • The entire procedure takes less time, sometimes just one visit shall do.
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to manage and fix.

The Pros of Using Veneers

The most obvious benefit to veneers is the improved confidence that comes from having a flawless smile. With veneers being specifically molded for your teeth, its natural look is something that many prefer. Veneers also mean no additional drilling or shaping is needed and no special maintenance is required 

Veneers can make any set of teeth appear bright white!

These pros make veneers sound pretty great, right? Well, there are a few other things to consider before making the decision. 

Points to Remember

While the rest of your teeth will naturally change over time, the veneer will not, which can lead to awkward differences in your smile. This can be dealt with regular visits to the dentist. With this, you can ensure your smile stays consistent for as long as you have veneers.

Veneers are also more prone to chipping and cracking. They are not recommended for people with habits like biting their nails, grinding their teeth, or chewing on ice. It is advisable that people correct such habits that can harm dental health in the future.

Finally, teeth can still decay while they are under a veneer.

Regular dental visits are a must for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Before one decides to get veneers done remember to treat any mouth disease for a complete effective procedure!

Also, discuss all your expectations and treatment options with your dentist. 

Once the Veneers are Fixed:

  • Avoid biting your fingernails and chewing on hard objects.
  • Inform your dentist know if it does not feel right after the veneer has been placed. 
  • Keep your teeth and gums clean by brushing and flossing each day. 

Other Factors

The cost of your veneers depends on factors like the type of veneers you’re choosing, what brand name your dentist has available, etc. 

Unlike other dental procedures, the recovery process doesn’t take an extended amount of time. A preliminary appointment with your dentist to discuss which options are right for you and how many veneers you want to have placed is a great idea. 

We at Bellevue Dental Health believe that a beautiful and healthy smile helps build the foundation for overall dental health and confidence. Our team will offer their best care to help you find your perfect smile.

Discover how dental veneers will enhance your appearance and self-confidence with us!

Schedule an appointment today by calling (425) 641-3311 or by visiting https://www.bellevuedentalhealth.com/

Categories: dental venners
Tags: composite veneersdamaged tooth enameldental laminatesdental veneersdental veneers before and afterhollywood smileporcelain veneersteeth veneers before and afterteeth whiteningteeth whitening treatmenttooth crowntooth enamel losstooth restorationveneer teethwhat are veneers
Dr. Libbi Finnessy :