What are the benefits of invisible braces?

Crooked or misaligned teeth may look unsightly but the damage they cause due to improper cleaning is much more serious. The risks include periodontal disease, gum and bone damage, as well as tooth loss.

Dentists across the world suggest braces as the best way to properly align your teeth.  However, conventional braces are prominently visible, uncomfortable and can be painful to wear.  Adults and teens can be especially embarrassed to wear them. 

Benefits of Invisalign

Here is the modern solution: Invisible braces!

The benefits of using invisible braces such as the Invisalign system is more than getting a beautiful smile. These braces are removable and offer a host of advantages, including reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

First things first.

Having a perfect pair of straight teeth is something we all want. And if they’re healthy, it’s even more attractive.

When orthodontic problems are handled by a professional, a lot of problems such as bad breath (halitosis), gingivitis (gum inflammation) and tooth sensitivity can be prevented and resolved.

 “Straightening crooked teeth can have an important impact on overall dental health.”

For a very long time, patients only had the option of traditional wire braces for aligning their teeth. Today, we have a great solution with Invisalign that offers flexibility, comfort, and aesthetics and gives the much-needed confidence to the patient. 

Let us now look at how Invisalign braces seem to win over dentists and people alike

The health benefits of clear aligners like Invisalign are many:

Traditional braces vs. Invisalign braces

Today, invisible braces are sought after because they are designed for comfort and convenience. They are removable and this is yet another feature that makes Invisalign hugely popular.

Metal braces can hurt and are visible to all. With Invisalign, comfort and ease is unparalleled. 

  • When you do away with the prominently visible braces you exude confidence.
  • One of Invisalign’s advantages is that it allows the users to remove their aligners whenever they choose for up to two hours per day. 
  • Unlike traditional braces that often trap food with Invisalign, you can simply remove the trays when you would normally brush to access your teeth and replace the aligners when you’re done.
  • Invisalign users can participate in a whole lot of extra-curricular activities such as sports, play musical instruments, and more that is not always an option with uncomfortable wire braces.
  • Invisalign aligners come without the painful brackets and wires. They are made from medical-grade polyurethane resin that is invisible, safe to use and extremely flexible.
  • With Invisalign, you can brush and floss your teeth regularly. Whereas traditional braces get food trapped in the wires and brackets, leading to gum disease.
  • Invisalign aligners have a smooth edge that gives the user comfort and provides control over the entire process of teeth straightening.
  • The treatment duration for metal braces generally can take up to 5 years. But with Invisalign, it takes about a year and a half to straighten your teeth.


There’s evidence that says “youngsters can particularly benefit from Invisalign in the form of a boost to self-confidence. Problems like protruding or crooked teeth affect many teens and can result in feeling unattractive. Teenagers who experience lack of self-confidence during adolescence are more vulnerable to negative influences of their peers and are more likely to become depressed.”

Invisalign can be the answer to a host of dental problems. Fortunately, the treatment cost for Invisalign is the same as that of conventional braces and is covered by many orthodontic insurance plans. Overall, Invisalign offers distinct advantages over conventional metal braces.

As you can see, the benefits of Invisalign braces are numerous. Why wait? Make your dental procedure appointment today! 

If you are looking for a dentist with Invisalign certification and experience, Bellevue Dental Health is your destination. Our dentists are specialized in Invisalign technology and are trained to provide you with the best fitting, comfortable and beautiful aligners that will correct your smile and give you the confidence to take over the world!

We at Bellevue Dental Health believe that a beautiful and healthy smile helps build the foundation for overall dental health and confidence. So it is important to take charge of your smile and our team will offer their best care to achieve what you desire for your smile.

Discover how Invisalign braces will enhance your appearance and self-confidence with us!

Schedule an appointment today by calling (425)641-3311 or by visiting https://www.bellevuedentalhealth.com/

Categories: blog
Tags: benefits of bracesbenefits of invisalign for adultscheapest invisible bracesinvisalign before and aftertypes of bracestypes of braces for adults
Dr. Libbi Finnessy :